Because we don't keep this item in stock, and order from the supplier, there will be a delay before shipping. We do our best to update availability daily, but it is possible the supplier will be out of stock when we order the item. To avoid disappointment, you can drop us a call or email and we'll verify availability for you.
Specificatios & Features:
These craft saws feature 0.1mm thick photo-etched blades to allow precision cuts on your models. When you use a standard craft saw for modification, you have to consider the thickness of the blade itself. However, as the blade of this item is very thin, the cut line is also very small.
These stainless steel blades are very convenient for applying modifications to 1/35 scale figures and cutting away control surfaces of aircraft models.
It is also possible to attach the saws to Item 74040 Modeler's Knife for easier handling.