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The FF-03 gear case designed for installing a gear differential unit found in the FF-03R Chassis Kit (Item 84288) is available separately as an Option Part. The parts are made from carbon reinforced material for superb rigidity.
The following gear differential parts are recommended when using the FF03 gear differential gear case:
Item 51460 TA06 Gear Differential Unit Bevel Gear Set
Item 51462 TA06 Rear Gear Differential Case Set (52T)
Item 51464 TA06 Gear Differential Unit Gasket (4pcs.)
Item 51466 TA06 Gear Differential Unit Cup Joint Set
Item 50574 2x8mm C/Sunk Tapping Screw 10p
The following Direct Coupling can also be used.
Item 54372 TA06/FF03R Rear Direct Coupling 52T