Because we don't keep this item in stock, and order from the supplier, there will be a delay before shipping. We do our best to update availability daily, but it is possible the supplier will be out of stock when we order the item. To avoid disappointment, you can drop us a call or email and we'll verify availability for you.
The set includes 4 multipart plastic Havocs that can be equipped with a heavy weapon chosen from the following options in the kit:
- 2 autocannons
- 2 heavy bolters
- 2 lascannons
- 2 missile launchers
- 1 reaper chaincannon
Also included is a multipart plastic Aspiring Champion that can be equipped with any of the following weapon options in the kit:
- 1 plasma gun
- 1 meltagun
- 1 flamer
- 1 power maul
- 1 chainsword