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Metric: 230 x 130 x 110 mm
1/25 Scale Diecast Replica of the CAT G3616 A4 Gas Compression Engine.
G3600 A4 engines bring the highest uptime in the industry and long operating intervals between overhaul. Operators that use G3600 A4 engines in their fleet enjoy virtually no unscheduled downtime, the right power for their application, the lowest operating costs, and emissions compliance. Ideal applications for G3600 engines include centralized gathering stations, gas processing, transmissions, and storage applications. Cat G3616 A4 Gen 1 gas engine with ratings: 3729-3990 bkW (5000-5350 bhp) @ 1000 rpm and Cat G3616 A4 Gen 2 gas engines with ratings 4101 bKW (5500 bhp) @ 1000 rpm.